Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Noah Bryce!!!

September 29, 2010 - Noah turned 4 years old!!!

Our little man is growing up! Part of the day's celebration was to share with his friends at school.

Noah attends Community Montessori School, which has children from ages 3-6. (preschool thru kindergarten).
The birthday celebration at school consists of sharing what makes you special and defines you since you were born on this earth.

This year we choose to share something that makes Noah special... being born with Down syndrome. We talked about how it may take Noah a little longer to learn how to play soccer or maneuver across the playground equipment, but that Noah will learn and he is just like his friends. We also talked about the fact of Noah learning to talk and use his words and that sign language is a bridge to help him to communicate his wants and needs right now as he is learning speech, but that he is just like his friends. We shared that even though Noah may not speak right now, he understands all that is being said to him, just like his friends.

The morning went really well and at the end of the school day we gave to all of the parents some informational coloring books (idea originated from Amanda Bell) that we put together talking about Down syndrome and how Noah may take longer to learn some things, but actually, he is just like his friends.

We have received such positive feedback from our message sent home to the parents that I am so very grateful!!! It is so nice to have my little man be accepted, regardless of the challenges that he may face.

Enclosed are some photos from that morning... Happy Birthday little man - we love you with all of our hearts!!!

My little Libra, enjoying his birthday morning with the rising of the sun

Noah is greeting all his friends as they enter the classroom...

Everyone "shake your silly's out" before sitting down on the line...

Birthday Boy wears the crown; well sort of...

4 years ago today...

A hand made card from Miss Ella... :-)

Happy Birthday my little man. In the past four years you have brought me more joy in experiencing the most beautiful, yet simple things of life. You have brought me closer to God and the understanding that life, our life, is in the hands of the Lord. You have taught me patience... oh, the patience to wait, learn and accept things as they are right here and now. However, along with that patience, you have taught me the definition of hard work and tenacity - true tenacity... that of never giving up and never accepting anything but what you believe is your best!!! Yes Mr Noah, I have learned this precious lesson from you!

The four short years that we have shared together on this earth feel like a lifetime... I could never imagine my life without my little man. I am so eager to experience and learn all that you have in store for us in the years to come.

Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy - for choosing us to be your family!
With all of my heart and soul I write to you my son Noah. Lots of love, Mommy.

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