Saturday, October 9, 2010

Devin Brooke, Our amazing daughter!!!

Yesterday we spent the afternoon in Tucson with our daughter, Devin.

She is now a Junior at the University of Arizona.

Yesterday she was being honored for Academic Distinction at the College of Science Honors Convocation. (This is an incredible honor where she had to maintain a 3.5-3.9 GPA for 30+ units)!

Jacques, Noah and I drove the two hours down to Tucson, picked up Devin at her house and went to the college for the Convocation, which we thought began at 4:00 pm. As we are trying to find a parking space, Devin reads that it actually began at 3:00 pm and refreshments were at 4:00! Poor baby, I felt so badly for her, missing the recognition in front of all her peers to receive her cords that she has worked so diligently to receive!
Ahhh, typical Barbey moment! ;-)

Needless to say, by the end of the day, everyone was a little grumpy... I love spending time with my kids, attitudes and all!!!

We were still able to get her cords and have our own celebration which ended in a wonderful dinner with her girlfriends at a delicious Italian restaurant with the ambiance of a true cafe in Italy :-) Yum!

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