Toward the end of last year, there were a few things that I knew I needed to do for Noah and his "best of life" program.
I realized that I needed to find a Developmental Pediatrician to add to our team of experts. Also, I noticed the advancement of visual stemming behavior with Noah, so a sensory occupational therapist was a must as well.
Lately I have been slightly tweaking his current vitamin/supplement regimen, as well as looking into adding some additional nutrients and/or medication to his daily routine.
So, last week was our first appointment with his new occupational therapist, Aimee Pillar. She is the founder of Pillar Child Development and is who we had our evaluation with in mid December. Aimee specializes in sensory integration therapy.
Last Monday, January 16, was Noah's first appointment with her. While he was there, they did a lot of swinging in different swings, a lot of climbing and some fine motor. The swinging really opened up his vestibular system and made for quite the crazy week.
First of all, on Monday evening during dinner, Noah said "potty" as clear as could be! It was quite amazing and I do attribute that to the O/T from earlier that day.
Later on in the week, on Thursday night, Noah was a complete terror when it came to bedtime. He didn't want to go to sleep (although he was exhausted) and he tore his nightlight out of the socket, breaking it. He also threw his table lamp on his night stand, breaking that as well.
Friday at school, he was pretty much not focusing on his work and then at speech therapy, he refused to cooperate, throwing all of his work and not listening to his therapist.
So, today at his O/T appointment, we cut back on the swinging and increased his crawling around and motor movement. Noah is also going to see Aimee on Thursday am this week too, so we will see how his behavior and sensory is responding.
Another thing that we started today for the first time through Aimee, is a method of sensory awakening called Wilbarger Protocol. Basically this is a brushing on the skin with a soft surgical brush followed up with joint compressions. The benefit of this input is to help the body to organize and decrease any tactile sensitivity.
I really like Aimee and appreciate her communication and willing to do whatever it takes to help our little man be his very best.
Below is some video from today's session - I plan to update this frequently with video to monitor his progress.
On Saturday I attended a seminar down in Tucson, AZ that was hosted by the Changing Minds Foundation.
This was very fascinating. The protocol consists of many of the nutrients that I am already giving to Noah, and as recently as November, I added in the Body Bio Oil as well as the PC Oil. I also increased the amount of Ginko Biloba that we are giving to Noah as well as giving this to him three times a day. Basically we are doing the complete protocol with Noah minus the drugs.
However, after attending the seminar a couple of days ago and listening to the biological facts, my mind is open to trying some medications to help my little man.
I learned quite a bit of information on Saturday. I learned the Why to the reason of our kiddos having a higher chance of developing Alzheimer as they get older. The gene that is the one founded at the onset of Alzheimer is located on the 21st chromosome. Therefore, since our little one's have this gene triplicated, it's no wonder they have the higher chance of developing this as they grow older!
Also, I learned the Why to the benefit of Ginko Biloba. Our little ones have too much GABA, which has a relaxing effect on the brain. I take GABA sublingually when I feel really stressed, and it does calm me down. Well, our guys have so much of this that it actually has them feel this over relaxed state all of the time! The Ginko has the ability to decrease the effect of the GABA, in essence, turning on the light in our little one's brain! Fascinating!!! For more information, visit their website at
I have noticed since increasing the amount and distribution of Ginko to Noah he is now jabbering ALL THE TIME! Yes, it is driving me crazy, but I am hoping that this is the precursor to "talking" all the time :)
Today I made an appointment with a developmental and behavioral pediatrician in town named Dr Daniel Kessler. He used to be a part of a large developmental team at one of our local hospitals and is now in private practice. We were blessed to get in on a cancellation appointment this Thursday am... I will be sure to share our experience.
So, that is my update for today... I am going to continue to add information often as I need to track Noah's reactions to the changes that we are implementing. It might not be for a very fun read, but it will definitely be informative to me and our family :)
Blessings to ALL...
Raquel and Noah.
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